Blue days, blue nights
cyanotype-based technique
70x100 cm
As my master’s diploma project I created a series of graphics with a self-developed technique based on the traditional photography technique called cyanotype. How does the world look like through blue-coloured glasses? The pictures lead us to the weekdays of a twisted reality, where we can find waterslides, girls-and-boys, overflowing emotions, petrol stations and so much more.

cyanotype-based technique
10x15 cm
During the mail art project Bluepost I sent 13 cynaotype-based envelopes to my friends. All the envelopes have unique design and I paid careful attention to pick the most convenient stamp for each letter. I am presenting this project through the photos of the envelopes created by the addressees.

cyanotype-based technique
13x18 cm
I made these works for the International Mail Art Exhibition organised in the town of Berettyóújfalu.

Blue room
cyanotype-based technique
70x100 cm